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We start taking care of you even before your arrival : we are happy to help you organize your trip to Salina and to book for the transfert from Catania Airport to Milazzo, and the taxi from Santa Marina to Malfa for you. We are, futhermore, happy to give you advices on what do you on the island, what to see, where to eat, how to book a car etc.


Do not hesitate to ask us if you have any questions on our houses or on your trip. We can’t wait to meet you !


To contact us please fill the form below or use our email or phone number. 


We speak italian, english and french !

Message received

Malfa - Isola di Salina
(+39) 331 666 2375

© 2023 Salina Case Vacanza

Didyme Vacanze S.r.l.
sede legale in Malfa (ME) in Via Scalo n. 31


Progetto n. 095520510853
Azione 3.5.1-02 - Po Fesr Sicilia 2014/2020

Ammesso a contributo con decreto n° 1377/3S del 12/08/2018 dalla Regione Sicilia, Dipartimento Attività Produttive - Importo del contributo pari a Euro 183.750,00

CUP G16E18000150007
Codice Caronte 19676

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